The dowloadable forms listed below are various registration & enrollment forms required for enrolling a child in a child care or summer camp program with Clubhouse Kids.
Also listed are various Maryland State Department of Education child care related forms which may also be required. Please contact us with any questions.
Clubhouse Kids Summer Camp 2025
Calendar of Planned Activities
This calendar outlines the activities planned for Clubhouse Kids SCHOOL-AGE Summer Camp 2025.
Clubhouse Kids SCHOOL-AGE Summer Camp 2025
Registration & Enrollment Packet
Enrollment is OPEN!
This packet is for SCHOOL-AGE children who have completed kindergarten and are entering any of grades 1st - 7th who would like to enroll in Clubhouse Kids summer camp. The packet must be completed, signed, and turned-in to reserve your child's selected weeks in camp.
CHK Little Ones Year-Round
Registration & Enrollment Packet
for the annual season of
6/10/2024 - approximately 6/15/2025
Enrollment is OPEN!
This packet is for LITTLE ONES ages 6-weeks-old through non-Kindergarten 5-year-olds enrolling in care, and is required to be completed, signed, and turned-in prior to any child attending a Clubhouse Kids child care program.
Registration & Enrollment Packet
for the annual FCPS school year season of
8/19/2024 - approximately 6/15/2025
Enrollment is OPEN!
This packet is for SCHOOL-AGE children attending any grade, kindergarten - 8th grade, enrolling in school year care, and is required to be completed, signed, and turned-in prior to any child attending a Clubhouse Kids child care program.
Maryland State Forms Packet with Clubhouse Kids Instructions
The individual forms included in this Maryland State forms paket may or may not be required for your child prior to attending Clubhouse Kids care. The first page in the packet is a Clubhouse Kids "instructions page" outlining which forms are required for which children. Please review it carefully.
The links below of child care, child health, and child education related websites is by no means complete, and only meant as a starting point of websites that we thought could be helpful.
New websites and content pertinent to child care are being added to the Internet every day, and we encourage you to explore them.
Adobe Reader Download - needed to view and print all downloadable forms on our website
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) - general information related to family and child health
Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI) - advocates for access to education, equity in educational settings, quality educational content, and the child's right to education
Child Care & Early Education Research Connections (CCEERC) - offers research and data resources for researchers, policy makers, early childhood practitioners, and others
Child Nutrition Programs - from the US Department of Agriculture's Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)
Child Welfare Information Gateway - provides publications, research, and learning tools selected by experts to support thriving children, youth, families, and communities
HealthyChildren.org - a specialty site operated by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) that provides in-depth health and development information for all child ages from prenatal to young adult
KidsHealth - a project of the Nemours Foundation Center for Children's Health Media
Lead Poisoning Prevention - established to eliminate childhood lead poisoning. Extensive information on lead risk reduction for parents, homeowners, and tenants
LexisNexis - provides access to the complete Annotated Code of Maryland (also known as the "Maryland Code"), which is Maryland's body of laws and the statutory basis for the Code of Maryland Regulations. Click on the Maryland Code folder icon, and a list of the Code's statutory components (called "articles") will display. Laws pertaining to the regulation of child care are found under Title 5, Subtitle 5, of the Family Law Article
Lice Information from the CDC - from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Maryland Department of Health (MDH) - info on a wide range of family-related and child-related health issues and initiatives
Maryland Family Network (MFN) - resources and information on early childhood program management, provider training and professionalism, public policy and child advocacy, school readiness initiatives, children with disabilities, and numerous related topics
Maryland Judiciary Case Search - provides free public access to the Maryland District Court and Circuit Court Case Management System. District Court criminal, civil, and traffic case records and Circuit Court criminal and civil case records are available. The amount of historical data may vary by jurisdiction
Maryland State Child Care Association - promotes the growth and development of professional licensed child care and learning centers in Maryland. Information on regulatory and legislative issues concerning centers, professional development opportunities, Association events and membership
Maryland State Division of Documents (DSD) - records and publishes the official version of the entire Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR). Under "What We Do" on the left side of the DSD home page, click on "COMAR Online" to access all 33 COMAR titles (each title usually corresponds to a State government department or agency). Title 13A is reserved for the State Board of Education, and contains all regulations pertaining to Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) programs, including early care and education and child care licensing
Maryland State Family Child Care Association (MSFCCA) - information on issues pertinent to Maryland child care providers such as public policy initiatives and legislation updates, provider advocacy, professional development opportunities, Association events and membership
National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) - engages in early childhood education research, and works to improve professional practice and working conditions in the early childhood field
National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER) - supports early childhood education initiatives by providing objective, nonpartisan information based on research
NIH Institute of Child Health and Human Development - information and downloadable brochures in English and Spanish on the "Back to Sleep" campaign and preventing SIDS
Ready At Five - a Maryland-based, public/private partnership that monitors, advocates, and serves as a catalyst for systemic change to improve the care and education of Maryland's young children
Sex Offender Registry - National - maintained by the United States Department of Justice
Sex Offender Registry of Maryland (SOCEM) - maintained by the Maryland Dept of Public Safety and Correctional Services
US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) - abundant information on product testing, safety recals, and related topics